
Posts Tagged ‘Pandanda’

Pandanda Harvest Festival 2010!

August 20, 2010 Leave a comment

Yo Pandas!

The Harvest Festival kicked off today. With plenty of great decorations and stuff to do, this Festival is definitely one not to miss!

Once you log in, if you click on the Caramel Apple below the Map icon, this message will appear telling you all about the Harvest Festival. The Caramel Apple will also have a number on it, the number displayed is how many Caramel Apples you currently have.

Caramel Apples appear all around Pandanda (but not your Treehouses!), once you find a Caramel Apple, click on it, it will then be added to your total. (This works the same as Zing’s Golden Tickets and Fruits/Rubbish etc.)

Once you have at least 2 Caramel Apples, head to the brand new Harvest Grove located above Shady Glen on the Map.

Harvest Grove has just been released today! If you keep moving towards the right of the screen, you can see even more of Harvest Grove, allowing you to see the full room. (Works similar to Coconut Beach).

(Click for full size.)

If you click on Farmer Ned, you can trade your hard earned Caramel Apples for great farmer-themed items!

(Click for better quality/larger image.)

So there’s plenty to do at this years Harvest Festival, I’m currently collecting as much Caramel Apples as I can, my fave prize is probably the Overalls, Scarecrow Hat and Turbo Potion! (Even though they’re all amazing). What’s your fave prize?

In other news: 11 Saltwater Fish have been added to Pandanda! You can now fish for Saltwater Fish in the waters of Coconut Beach! the new fishes are:

Sea Goldie- 4 coins.                                 Cresent-Tail Big-Eye- 4 coins.

Longfin Bannerfish- 5 coins.                Butterflyfish- 6 coins.

Powder Blue Surgeon- 6 coins.           Pyramid Butterflyfish- 8 coins.

Copperband Butterflyfish- 8 coins.   Juvenile Emperor Angelfish- 15 coins.

Black Ocellaris Clownfish- 16 coins.  Emperor Angelfish- 18 coins.

Clown Triggerfish- 20 coins.

Finally, here’s the latest post by on Henry’s Blog, talking about all the new stuff that released today!

So be SURE to check out the Harvest Festival! One of the greatest events this year, there’s so much great stuff to do. From collecting Caramel Apples to fishing for Saltwater Fishes, the fun has just begun!

Until next time, Cya! -jbson